Venue and Hotel Information
Hotel Reservation
Hilton Atlanta
255 Courtland Street, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30303
Phone: 1-404-659-2000 or central reservation: 1-800-445-8667
Rooms have been reserved at the Hilton Atlanta (conference venue) for the period of the meeting. Attendees who wish to make a hotel reservation should follow the instructions below. Rooms will be reserved on a 'first come, first served' basis. Delegates are advised to book as early as possible but no later than January 28, 2025 as there is only a limited number of rooms available at the special conference rate. Any reservations made after this date will be subject to room and rate availability. When making a hotel reservation, please indicate the group code / name which can be found in the hotel description below.
HILTON ATLANTA - Headquarter hotel & conference venue
Single / Double Room: US $179.00 per night
Rooms are subject to all applicable state and local taxes, currently 16.9% per night plus Georgia Hotel-Motel fee $5.00 per night.
Please make your hotel reservation at the discounted rate by contacting the Hilton hotel directly:
Preferred booking method: Online hotel room reservation link: click here
Call 1-404-659-6350 (Group ID 'CUGH 2025') to make your reservation.
Conference rate is available until January 28, 2025 depending on availability.
ATTENTION STUDENTS: A very limited number of rooms is available at the very reduced student hotel rate of US $139 plus taxes. A copy of your valid student ID must be sent to dsteinbach@cugh.org in order to receive the special hotel reservation link for the student rate. Availability cannot be guaranteed! ******** STUDENTS ROOMS ARE FULLY BOOKED ******
COURTLAND GRAND HOTEL - 0,2 miles from Hilton Atlanta, 5 minutes walking distance
Single / Double Room: US $159.00 per night
Rooms are subject to all applicable state and local taxes, currently 16.9% per night plus Georgia Hotel-Motel fee $5.00 per night.
Please make your hotel reservation at the discounted rate by contacting the Courtland Grand hotel directly:
Preferred booking method: Online hotel room reservation link: click here and select ‘Attendee’ from the drop-down
Conference rate is available until January 29, 2025 depending on availability.