The CUGH Global Health Student Poster Competition

CUGH will award $500 to the 8 winning poster presentations - one award for each track. Those who wish to compete must opt-in during abstract submission to compete.

Guidelines are below.


Poster competition is open to abstracts addressing a project or activity conducted by an individual(s) with student status during the project period. The project, program, activity to be presented must be completed by June 30th, 2024.


Judges will consider abstracts that meet all the following requirements:

  • Authors/Presenters are students, or were students during the project period in question

  • Authors/Presenters have accepted the invitation to present in poster format

  • Submissions adhere to all abstract guideline stated above

  • Opted in to compete in the Abstract Submission form

Poster Judging

  • The top scoring abstracts of each track will be invited to present as posters on February 21 and/or 22, 2025

  • Prior to the conference, judges will view these posters electronically and select one winning poster per track

  • Poster winners will be selected one week prior tot he conference and winners will be notified via email

  • Poster winners will be recognized at the CUGH Awards Ceremony on February 22, 2025, where they will each receive $500 from CUGH


Direct any questions to Norma Verona, Events and Membership Engagement Manager at:, phone: 1-202-974-6291