Velji/CUGH Awards for Global Health Excellence

2025 Drs. Anvar and Pari Velji Awards for Global Health Excellence

The Velji Family Fund annually celebrates global health education, research and service by honoring individuals and projects that demonstrate committed, creative approaches to serving underserved populations. 

Awardees receive

  • Recognition at the 2025 CUGH Conference

  • Waived conference registration

  • Recognition certificate

  • USD $600 to support ongoing global health activities

Submission Deadline: September 30th, 2024

Award Categories

Velji Student Leader in Global Health

This award honors a trainee who has created a program/innovative product that is having a positive impact on the well-being of people in low-income settings or the environment.  Nominees must be a CUGH member, or affiliated with a CUGH member institution.

Velji Faculty Leader in Global Health Innovation

This award honors a faculty member who has implemented/developed an innovation that is having a positive impact on the well-being of people in low-income settings or the environment.  Nominees must be a CUGH member, or affiliated with a CUGH member institution.

Velji Global Health Award for Teaching Excellence

This award honors a faculty member who has been an outstanding teacher and who has had a particularly significant impact on the lives of those living in low resources settings. Nominees must be a CUGH member, or affiliated with a CUGH member institution.

Velji Young African Leader Award

This award honors an individual who will be: under 35 years of age on December 31, 2024, born in an African nation, and is currently attending/working in an institution in Africa. The winner has shown exceptional ability and commitment to improving the wellbeing of individuals in low income settings.  This award is open to all - CUGH membership is not required.

See to see if your nominee's institution is a CUGH member. If they are then s/he is a CUGH member too. 

Velji Planetary Health/One Health Innovation Award

This award will recognize individuals, groups, or communities that have demonstrated:

  • Innovative approaches leading to balance of environment, biosphere, and human health.

  • Novel ideas and replicable solutions to preserve ecological sensitive environment conducive to human animal health and ecology.

  • Interdisciplinary projects preferably integrating threatened communities internationally.

  • Solutions and ideas that have been cost-effective and can be easily replicated with wise use of human resources.

Nominees must be a CUGH member, or affiliated with a CUGH member institution.